For almost a decade, short term interest rates have been manipulated and driven down to historically low levels by the Federal Reserve. Even today, short term rates remain near lows. For some financial managers in the credit union sector, that’s all they have known....
Our guest article this issue is presented by Mr. Scott Butterfield of Your Credit Union Partner. It treats a topic that we don’t usually approach here at Mark H. Smith, Inc. That is the role small credit unions play in the complete credit union movement. However, we...
Mark H. Smith, Inc. recently conducted a survey on CECL readiness and planning among its clients. Based on the survey, most credit unions were aware of CECL and have given it some thought or began planning for CECL implementation. However, most of the credit unions...
Asset-Liability Committees (ALCO) may have become complacent over the last 8 years due to the lack of movement in market rates. Many credit unions I have worked with have been strategically focused on preserving or growing their loan portfolios, while deposit pricing...