Interactive Peer Analysis
MHSI Peer Analysis
The interactive peer analysis tool allows you to customize historical financial statement, performance, interest rate, and trend analysis for your credit union specific peers. This includes call report level drill down to asset size category and geographic location.
There are eight total asset tiers and geographic segmentation can be done at the state, county, or individual credit union level. This allows you to compare the various reports to any specific credit union as well.
The Peer Analysis suite includes the following historical analysis modules along with some of the reports contained therein:
- Income Statement – interest income, interest expense, non-interest income, non-interest expense, net income, loan yields, investment yields, cost of funds, historical levels and trends, and other key ratios
- Balance Sheet– loan compositions and trends, real estate loan specific analysis, deposit compositions and trends, member certificate compositions by term, certificate terms, investment compositions and trends, investment terms, and other key balance sheet analysis
- Loan Lossloan delinquencies overall and by specific loan categories, loan charge offs overall and by specific loan categories, loan originations, loan loss provisions, loan loss reserves, and other loan loss analysis
- Loan and Deposit Rateshistorical deposit rates and trends, rate distribution analysis, rate sensitivities, historical loan rates and trends, specific loan and deposit category rates and trends
See how your credit union compares to assist with performance analysis, budgeting, interest rate setting, strategic planning, and other financial management analysis and decisions. Identify industry trends to make more informed decisions.